Topic: Old Love or New Love – It’s the same Heart  (Read 3269 times)

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Old Love or New Love – It’s the same Heart
« on: March 08, 2013, 12:05:00 PM »

Hi guys, We all fall in love and out of love more than once especially on the search for the”one and only” but there is this part where people tell you that they have suffered a heart break and that the heart cannot love again or they were so hurt that there hearts have been blocked and can’t love again. Hmm, is that an illusion? because if you have loved before or you are in love now…isn’t it the same heart that will take the love ni?

I guess the scenario best fit for people who have really experienced real love once, they have met that person they are willing to go all the way with and somewhere along the line, It just didn’t happen. Of course, they will be heartbroken, and when some other love comes around that cant hit that previous love bar, life just doesn’t seem to be the same. Its not about comparing people, its about one’s personal love quota, what your body needs to feel that alive and smile all the way from the heart. I guess its that scenario where you are able to love with your hearts and not your head once again.

    Simply say, Its not the calculated love ~ its free and beautiful.

And when you find it again, your heart opens up because the bar as been hit and there is a rupture, the bottled oldie is giving way for the new love. there is a new sense of happiness, an unexplainable change and that feeling that your heart is giving up something to take on a new gear. Its a new plane, a new flight, a new plan, and a new experience. There is a sense of being alive once again and you just know “This is it”. If you have passed through 2-3 relationships and you had a real one, you easily know which is real cuz you feel the last departure of the last real love giving space for the new one to have depth.

Again, is this an illusion of the heart, of what we feel in our love transition? Maybe Yes, maybe No but in us when it is real, we know somethings change, we feel the difference and we tell ourselves its time to embrace this. Who says this new one cant break? No one but once again, you are willing to risk ~ risk again. In my world, i say now that you put your risk on the line, just believe, if you are true to it, it sometimes comes back true to you.

In conclusion sha, have you suffered an heartbreak before or you have not met the love that will hit your love quota bar, Remember to still open up your heart, that special love that is coming will still have to use it so let it meet the heart opened. And if you have found it,Kai, you have found it and the ruptures have happened. EAT : PRAY : LOVE.
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