Topic: Did you know Your phone can expose you to cancer ?  (Read 7169 times)

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Did you know Your phone can expose you to cancer ?
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:40:07 AM »

Did you know that some items that you cherish the most could expose you to cancer and other illnesses when you do not use them properly?

Though they were invented to make life easier, their abuse or misuse could pose great danger to our health.

Scientists say that many technological appliances, such as mobile phones, televisions , microwaves, ovens and even refrigerators are powered by electromagnetic radiation which have been known to speed up the development of cancerous cells in the body, hence one should limit one’s exposure to them so they do not degrade vital body cells in the body.

The mobile telephone, according to Consultant Oncologist, (cancer specialist), Dr. Segun Kayode, is the device to watch out for. He says the advent of the mobile phone has been linked to the prevalence of breast, prostate and brain cancer.

Kayode explains that mobile telephones are not just powered by stored energy cells, but also they use electromagnetic radiation and ionising gamma rays, which can alter the genetic makeup of body cells when they are exposed to its rays for a long period.

“The technology of the mobile phone is such that it emits radiation. As the radiation penetrates the body tissue, it causes it to heat up. When the cells are at a temperature that is too high for them naturally, they get denatured and become useless. When there is altering in function, they begin to malfunction.

“Electromagnatic radiation also leads to DNA damage, which is the actual link to cancer. You hold the source of the emission, which is the phone, close to your brain that is why we have linked it with cancer of the brain too and there is evidence to back it up. There are claims that people who have had brain tumours had it in the exact size, shape and position as the shape where they placed their cell phone,” he states.

Doctors note that children and teenagers who use mobile phones are at greatest risk—both for parotid gland tumours and brain tumours—as their thinner skull bones allow for greater penetration of cell phone radiation.

Scientists say the phone’s radiation can enter all the way into their midbrain, where tumours are more deadly. In addition, children’s cells reproduce more quickly, so they are more susceptible to aggressive cell growth. Children also face a far greater lifetime exposure.

Studies by Swedish doctors shows that those who begin using cell phones heavily as teenagers have four to five times higher risk of developing cancer of the brain when compared to adults.

Even the World Health Organisation places the cell phone radiation as class B-carcinogenic. Kayode defines a carcinogenic substance or radiation as anything that has the potential of fostering the production of cancerous cells in the body.



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